Monday, August 19, 2013

Maybe You'll Meet...

Wait for it.

The man of your dreams.


Maybe I will.  Maybe I won't.  One can never know when the man of your dreams will come strolling along.  In this case, it seems that most of my gal pals are crossing their fingers for an Aussie surfer.  So in other words, one can never know when the man of your dreams will come surfing along.  My most recent conversation included a, "Well damn, have you seen some of them Aussies?"  So there i'll be in Thailand and out of no where comes a beautiful, golden, Australian god...  he'll spot me and think, "This is it.  This is the American girl all my friends have been talking about.  Finally, the woman of my dreams."

Yeah... right.  Who am I kidding?  He'll probably hear me laughing before he sees me.

For those of you who don't know me so well, know that this is not something i'll be worrying about - meeting the man of my dreams.  Frankly, being single is exactly one of the reasons I decided to make this happen now.  I'm about to embark on the greatest adventure of my life, thanks in part, to my relationship status, and this is the concern for most of my gal pals?  I know this reaction is because many of them are paired up, engaged, or married.  Those who are not, can't wait to be.  Everyone just wants me to be happy and find someone great - thank you, friends.  Surely I can be happy alone, i've made it this far.

Moving to the other side of the world is far more appealing to me than moving in with a boyfriend (for now).  Matter of fact, a colleague just told me last week she's moving in with her boyfriend of seven months.  Stop the bus, I think I feel a panic attack coming on.  You're what???  I told her that was way scarier to me than what I was going to be doing.  She laughed.  I threw up in my mouth a little bit.  My choice isn't better overall, it's just better for me.  Oh yeah, and I don't have a boyfriend.

They say that when you know, you know.  Perhaps this is true - jury is still out in my case.  Maybe I will meet the man of my dreams and i'll want to get married and settle down and start popping out kids.  That sounds doable.  Although, throwing a wedding sounds like torture.  To meet someone who loves me as much as I love them, now this is the challenge, and really all i'm looking to do.  Maybe, on the other side of the world, i'll find a like minded man who loves adventure, is full of compassion, can make me laugh louder than anyone else, that prides himself on being honest and trustworthy.  Maybe not.

Maybe he's just around the corner, down the street, under my nose.  Man of my dreams or the man who just makes sense, he'll have to wait until I get back from seeing the world before we find each other.  In the meantime, i'll be sure to keep you posted on the Aussie surfers, British blokes, and Irish studs.            

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