Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy New Year - It's About Time!

I've been bitten by the New Year bug, so here goes. I'm low on sleep, so this may be a little scattered..

I spent some time at home for the holidays and have zero complaints. Hung with the fam, caught up with some friends I haven't seen in ages, sat for the GRE, got accepted to graduate school, ate my weight in food, and drank as much wine as I could without developing a dependency. 

Ok, one complaint. It was cold. Oh that's right, winter still happens in other parts of the world.

Perhaps the last two items (food and booze) are the motivators for me wanting to get back in the gym. Perhaps I just miss it. Honestly, I think it is mainly due to my inability to ignore America's problem while I was home: we. are. fat. 

So, good news! Going to be hitting the gym, weights in particular. Any help and support accepted.

Taking a look back at the past year is something most people do. Most healthy, happy people like to do, at least. I did some awesome stuff in 2014. Some I wrote about here, others I haven't. I'll get to it. But my trip back to Thailand after the break felt particularly noteworthy. Also, it's fresh and I have hours to kill before getting on another plane.

It's not just because I got to hang out with my bits out, though I did!

I didn't make any hotel reservations for my layover in Doha because I didn't have a set idea on what I was going to do once I got there. It felt like there were a lot of factors at play. Naturally, when I decided to seek out a place to sleep, the airport hotel seemed to be the best option. Financially, not, but convenience was the key in this decision. Naturally, they were full. "I hear what you're saying, sir. But, I really want to shower. Is there any way I can make that happen?" 

Good news, folks traveling to Doha ever... there is a spa. For $35 you can use the pool, gym, jacuzzi, and showers. For $50 you can get an hour massage and all that other stuff comes with it. Guess which one I picked?

I'm fairly modest when it comes to my body, though living on an island has helped with that. There's just no way around it when you're spending every weekend on a beach. What was about to happen, though, was a different matter altogether. 

There was a jacuzzi, you see. I wanted to be in it. But I didn't have a swimsuit with me. I had succumbed to the reality that I would be carrying wet underpants back to Phuket with me when one of the staff brought me disposable underpants. What? This is a thing? You bet it is. I considered keeping them.. 

Ok, problem one solved. Problem #2: my girls. 

I decided to go with the Europeans on this one. "You know what," I said to myself, "this is not a problem. Women sit on beaches with nothing on up top, you can certainly sit in a jacuzzi in a women's shower room without anything." So I did. Yep. Disposable underpants was all that stood between me and the gloriously hot bubbles. And anyone else who dared to venture in.  One woman did. In her bathing suit. "How did she know?" I wondered. 

Post jacuzzi, when I had clothes on, she struck up a conversation. She traveled through Doha on her way to wherever and got caught in my very predicament. So on the way back she made a reservation at the hotel AND had a swimsuit for the spa. Living and learning, is what I like to call that. Go girl.

Anyway, my topless jacuzzi session was followed by the longest hot shower (all necessary materials provided) in the biggest tiled and glass (frosted) shower i'd ever seen. Then came the cherry on top: the massage. Warm oil, dark room, soft music.. only one thing missing.. champagne. And chocolate.. And a man that wasn't gay? Whatever, it was still amazing.

Basically, what i'm getting at is, sometimes things don't go the way I plan. Ok, a lot of times they don't. Oftentimes, what I want to happen doesn't because i'm not really into the whole planning ahead thing anymore.  

Lessons learned:
1. Sometimes I still need to plan because the world won't always plop things into my lap. 
2. I learned that even at 30 i'm not going to get everything I want. I was kind of hoping I would.
3. If i'm lucky, there will be a place nearby where I can shower. Maybe even get a massage.

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